Saturday, February 7, 2009

Recipe: Pizza with Pesto, Fontina, Prosciutto and Spinach

I'd like to start off by saying that I'm not a baker, nor do I care for working with dough. But, for some reason, I am always the one that ends up getting my fingers dirty (soda bread, pizza dough, et cetera). Tonight was no exception with a family pizza night (my wife calls it artisan pizza night). The choice of pizza toppings came from an Emeril Live episode where he made Pizza with prosciutto, arugula and Fontina cheese. My recipe is close but I also swapped out marinara for pesto. All of our ingredients were purchased at the local farmer's and Italian markets.

  • Pizza Dough (you can make it, we opted to buy it fresh)
  • Herb (Basil) Pesto
  • Prosciutto
  • Fresh Spinach
  • Fontina Cheese (if you grate yourself, you may need to pop it in the freezer to firm it up first)
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. I started with the ingredients by cutting my dough into smaller pieces, and rolling it out. I'm not much for making round pizza so any ol' shape will do as long as it's to the thickness you like.
  3. I hit the bottom of a large cookie sheet with some corn meal and laid out the dough.
  4. Drizzle the dough with some olive oil and bake for about 8 minutes. Just enough to firm it up a bit.
  5. Once you pull the pizza from the oven, it's time to dress them up. Pesto on the bottom, Fontina next, then some spinach leaves and all topped off with some pieces of prosciutto.
  6. Back in the oven for another 10 minutes or so until the cheese is melted, the spinach is wilted and the prosciutto is crisp.

Overall the meal was in moderation when it came to the portions, but overall the price was a little high (not nearly as excessive as California Pizza Kitchen's prices). We paid for convenience with the pesto and the Fontina and prosciutto both were a bit high compared to say Mozzarella and pepperoni. It did make for damn good pizzas though.

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