Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why am I not allowed to eat peanut butter?

So today at lunch I was toasting my PB&J in the toaster oven (my wife's recommendation, and a damn fine one at that). Well when I went to pull it out of the oven this lady saw what I had and said "is that peanut butter? you're not supposed to be eating that". Well it didn't dawn on me that she was referring to the Salmonella outbreak, so my response was "why can't I eat peanut butter? I'm not allergic". She then informed me about the Salmonella outbreak and confirmed my suspicions that people drastically overreact to things and hide behind a veil of paranoia. Just to remind everyone, not all peanut butter / peanuty products are involved in the recent recall. In fact, I couldn't find any major brands of peanut butter (available in my area) on the recall list. Unfortunately, the current fiasco is going to result in a lot of folks not eating peanut butter for a long time, same thing happened with spinach and tomatoes not too long ago if you remember. Educate yourself folks and check the recall list to put your mind at ease. And please, remember something very important... if you've already eaten half of a jar of peanut butter sitting in your pantry, it's probably safe ;) All of this has sparked my interest in growing peanuts and making my own peanut butter (seems easy enough based on this wikiHow entry.

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